5 Ways to Improve Your Mental Health | Monday Morning Mindset Motivation
With depression, anxiety and suicide on the rise its time to make mental health a priority.
Like we train our bodies to keep us fit and healthy, we need to do the same with our mind.
Our mind is designed to keep us alive, not to make us thrive.
So here are 5 ideas to help get you started.
Pick one or two that you will implement each week. The most important thing is that you just begin.
Every Monday, I will be bringing you the motivation to start your week off in the best way possible. I'm genuinely grateful that you are joining me for these mini-episodes.
For other interviews and ideas on what leaders do to get themselves in a great headspace, be sure to check out previous episodes of The Mind to Lead.
Here's to a fantastic week ahead.
With love and gratitude,
Georgie H
Mentioned in the Podcast
Blog - 30 Ways You Can Improve Your Mental Health
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